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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Writing Modal 2

The pie charts compare the proportion of the use of the main source of energy for USA across two years, 1980 and 1990. It can be clearly seen that oil was the most important source in both years, although coal and nuclear power grew in important.

As seen clearly from the data, in 1980 only oil was the main important source of energy, which covered almost half of the pie chart (42%), but the trend was decreased steadily to 33% in 1990. The second most important source of power in 1980 was from natural gas (26%). However, by 1990, the figures decreased gradually to just 25%.

In contrast, coal and nuclear power gained in important. Coal rose from just 22% in 1980 to 27% in 1990 while nuclear power increased from 5% to 10%, a two-fold increased. At the end of the scale, it is significantly noticeable that hydroelectricity is still remained stable in these both years (5%).

In conclusion, it is clear that in the 10 years from 1980 to 1990 there have been a noticeable changing in the use of main source to supply the energy for USA. The use of coal and nuclear energy was increased steeply, while natural gas and oil decreased slightly.

Words: 207

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